
Phillip (Phil) Whisner, also known as “Bear”, is an Indianapolis native, where he attended both high school (Warren Central) and college (Butler University).  He retired from Allison Transmission where he was a journeyman tinsmith.  He is married, with three grown daughters and five grandchildren.  He enjoys attending various activities with the grandkids, attending Colts games with his wife, and golfing whenever he gets the chance.  Phil is an active member of Southport United Methodist Church, where he helps lead a ministry focused on providing fresh produce to the local community.


Masonic Biography

Phil was raised as a Master Mason in Wayne Guthrie Lodge #753 in 1986. He is twice a past Worshipful Master and served as Secretary for almost ten years. Phil was initiated into York Rite in 2001. He was honored to receive the Distinguished Service Award twice and the Knights Templar Cross of Honor. He has served in numerous York Rite offices, participated in two drill teams, and is now humbled and honored to serve as Right Eminent Grand Commander for the Grand Commandery of Indiana.

Phil is a member of several other great organizations, including Indiana College #55 and Robert Wood Priory, KYCH. He is an active member of Isley York Rite College #129 and was honored to receive the Order of Purple Cross in 2018. Other Masonic and York Rite bodies that Phil is an active member in are High Twelve International (past president of chapter #122 and current president for state High Twelve association), St. Bernard de Clairvaux of Grand Council Allied Masonic Degree, Holy Arch Knight Templar Priests, Red Cross of Constantine St. Basil Conclave, Tall Cedars of Lebanon (past Grand Tall Cedar, and recipient of the national Tall Cedar of the Year award), Royal Order of Scotland, and Sahara Grotto. Phil is also a member of Yeoman of York, Indianapolis Preceptory #4, where he is a past Director General and Grand Chaplain of Grand Yeoman of York.

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