
Activities (4)

The Newby-Avery Fellowship and Chair is a means by which Commanderies, Sir Knights, or Ladies or Honored Ladies of Sir Knights may support the future financial viability of the Grand Commandery of Indiana..

Contributions to the Permanent Fund of the Grand Commandery in amounts of $250.00 or more receive the designation of a Newby-Avery Fellow or if donated by a Commandery a Newby-Avery Chair.
A handsome certificate and a distinctive lapel pin or plaque is awarded for the initial $250.00 contribution. Fellows and Chairs are also invited to the Newby-Avery Banquet. Subsequent contributions of $250.00 receive a diamond added to your pin.

Purchase a Newby-Avery Fellowship

If you feel that you are financially able, we hope that you will assist in this effort to provide for the long-term needs of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar of Indiana.
You may send your contribution to: Larry Williams KCT, PGC, Grand Recorder.
The greatest gift we can give to the next generation is to deliver the fraternity intact and viable.
Note: The Indiana Grand Commandery reserves the right to reject and refund a purchase for tickets or fellowship from anyone not a member of a Commandery.