Robert J. Frazer - KCT, PGC, GT

Robert J. Frazer was born January 16, 1946 in Williamsburg, Indiana the son of James Robert Frazer and Katharine Ione Harvey Frazer.
Bob won the Batting Title in Baseball his Senior year in High School Batting Avg. .392, he is a third generation Frazer to work at the Williamsburg Elevator and helped in the Frazer Family trucking business, he also helped his father in the liquid fertilizer business (Centerville NPK). Bob has two sisters, Carolyn Tutterrow and Brenda Butler. His mother and father are deceased.
After graduating from Webster - Williamsburg High School (Northeastern) in 1964, he was employed by Fowler Vending, then on June 1, 1965 by Belden Wire & Cable Company in Richmond until he received that famous letter from his friends and neighbors and served in the U.S. Army, 34th Trans. Co. (Nov. 1,1965-Oct. 12,1967) stationed in Germany(April,1966 to Oct.,1967) with the rank of Spec. 4, receiving an Honorable Discharge on October 31, 1971, he returned to Belden Wire & Cable, until Feb. 7, 2011 when he retired with 46 years of service. Bob also served as President of the Belden Wire & Cable Company's 25 Year Club, 2010.
Bob and Nancy Lee Hensley were married July 1, 1978 at First Christian Church. They are members of First Christian Church. Bob has served as a Deacon and Elder. They have four children, Sharon McCashland, Michael Hensley(deceased -8-25-2021), George Hensley and Robin Frazer. They have five wonderful grandchildren and Four great-grandson's and one great- granddaughter Bob likes golf, fishing, his Masonic affiliations and working on the family farm that has been in the Frazer name since 1836.
Bob's Masonic journey started when he petitioned Williamsburg Lodge #493, raised a Master Mason on April 4, 1984, served as Worshipful Master 1989; initiated in Taylor Chapter #228 O.E.S. on May 26, 1984 (Williamsburg), affiliated with Wayne #121 (Centerville) Patron 1992-1993, 1993-1994, affiliated with Loyal Chapter # 49 (Richmond) Patron 1996; Received the Grand Cross of Colores 1987 from International Order Rainbow for Girls in Indiana, Past Grand Lecture of District #10 International Order of Rainbow for Girls in Indiana, presently a Grand Chairman, International Order of Rainbow for Girls in Indiana; joined the Ancient and Accepted Order of Scottish Rite Valley of Indianapolis, Indiana April 20, 1985 and on August 28, 2012 He was coroneted Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33rd Degree in Cleveland, Ohio; In April 1986, he petitioned the Richmond York Rite Bodies and became a Royal Arch Mason on May 26, 1986 and served as High Priest in 1989. Greeted as a Royal and Select Master in Wayne.

Council #10 on June 4, 1986 and served as ILL. Master in 1990. Then on November 17,1986, Bob was Knighted in Richmond Commandery #8 and served as Commander in 1990, 1992 and 1995, St. Anselm Commandery #68 U.D. Commander 1998, Honorary Member of Connersville Commandery #6 and LaPorte Commandery #12. Elected as R.E. Grand Commander 1998.He received the DeMolay Legion of Honor in 1999 along with the Governor of Indiana, Frank O'Bannon. He received the Knight York Cross of Honor(K.Y.C.H.) on May 11, 1991 in Indiana Priory #8 and is a dual member in Robert A. Woods Priory #62; Initiated in Sagamore Valley College in September 1990 and served as Governor 1997-1998. He received the Order of the Purple Cross on August 2, 1997 in Denver, Colorado. On August 4, 2012 in Toronto, ON., he was installed as Deputy Grand Governor to Indiana serving from August 2012 to August 2016, On July 30,2016 in Vancouver, B.C., he was installed as Grand Governor to Indiana for YRSCNA serving July 2016 to August 8,2020, On August 6, 2022-24 Bob was installed as Grand Herald for the YRSCNA ; A charter member of Willard M. Avery Council #409 Allied Masonic Degrees and served as the first Sovereign Master; Indiana Council #15 Knight Masons; Yeoman of the York, Indianapolis #4; President of Group #6 State York Rite Association 1996-1997; Order of Red Cross of Constantine, St. Basil Conclave, November 1997; The Royal Order of Scotland; Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Gennesaret XVII, serving as Very Eminent Preceptor from Nov. 2014-Nov. 2015 ; Indiana College 1 MSRICF.
Brotherhood Lodge 3-5-7 Knights of Pythias, served as the second Chancellor Commander; 4 Al Hilal Temple N0. 33; Miami Tribe N0. 633 Order of Red Man, served as Sachem 2010 as the second Sachem; Williamsburg Alumni, President 2002, Sec/Trea.22-present; Elks No. 649.
Bob was appointed to the Grand Commandery Line in April 1991 as Grand Sentinel by Sir Knight Dwight E. Lanman, Jr. R.E. Grand Commander and was elected Grand Junior Warden April 1993, and has progressed through the line and was elected Right Eminent Grand Commander on April 24, 1998. Appointed Grand Treasurer of the Grand Commandery 2005 by Grand Commander Lawrence V. Kaminsky and was elected Grand Treasurer in 2006 to present. He also severs on several committee's for the Grand Commandery, Holy Land Pilgrimage Chairman for over 10 years , He is the founding Editor of the Templar Crusader in 1996 and retired as Editor in 2022. Raising about $100,000.00 for the Holy Land Pilgrimage.

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