Ed Fodrea, PGC - Grand Recorder



Current Office:
Grand Recorder

Home Commandery:
Fort Wayne Commandery #4

Contact Info: 260-417-9946
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Biography of Grand Recorder Edward E. Fodrea

Ed was born to William and Virginia Fodrea on July 31, 1955. After graduating college, he attended Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in 1977.

Ed continued to work in Law Enforcement, as a part time firefighter and paramedic while pursuing a career in healthcare, finally obtaining his PhD in Healthcare Administration. Ed is currently employed as the COO of a chain of continuing care retirement communities operating in multiple states. Ed is active in his community and church, managing church security and the media team. In Ed’s spare time, he enjoys being a firearms instructor.

Masonic History

In 2008, Ed was raised as a Master Mason through Celina Lodge #241 F&AM in Ohio. Ed later joined Spencerville Lodge #556 in Indiana, serving as Worshipful Master. Ed is currently a 32nd degree member of Scottish Rite Valley of Fort Wayne, and Mizpah shrine.

He is currently an officer of AMD located in Columbus. Ed has served the York Rite in Fort Wayne #4 as Eminent Commander, earning a Commander certificate of merit, Huntington # 35 as Illustrious Master and High Priest. He serves as an officer in the Fort Wayne York Rite College and is a member of KYCH. Ed was awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the Grand Commander in 2012. Ed served as a Right Eminent Grand Commander for the years 2020/21 and 2021/22.

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