The Symbolism and Meaning Behind the Design

I have often found it necessary in this journey of life to stand firmly in my faith. I have come to find though, that sometimes standing was not the correct position. In order to stand tall and strong, I needed to be kneeling.

This pin represents a kneeling knight clothed in the Armor of God. As warriors, we must put on the full Armor of God. We put on the belt of Truth to stand firmly in the Word. We put on the breastplate of Righteousness to guard our hearts, remaining pure and holy. We put on the shoes of the Gospel to stand firmly on the good news, bringing peace and light to all. We take up the shield of Faith to extinguish doubt, denial and deceit. We put on the helmet of Salvation to keep our minds focused on the tasks we are given to do and we take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God to guide and direct our lives.

Ed Fodrea KCT, GC

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