Dominic Hamblin - Grand Captain General

Dominic was born in Gary Indiana on June 17th, 1974. Graduated from Gary Roosevelt High School in 1992. Then went to ITT Technical Institute and Graduated with an Associate Degree in Automotive Technology in 1994. He has been in the Automotive industry since. Free time is spent riding his Harley and golfing.

Masonic History: October 28, 2009, Dominic was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Waynedale Lodge #739 in Fort Wayne Indiana. Served as Master of Waynedale Lodge in 2017 and had the pleasure of opening Grand Lodge of the State of Indiana as Master that year in May with the Officers of Waynedale. Served as Eminent Commander of Huntington Commandery #35 in 2020. Currently serving in the Chapter and Council lines in both Fort Wayne and Huntington York Rite. Appointed to the Grand Commandery Line in August 2020.

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